
Friday, September 6, 2024

Bite Size Bible Study

Shortly after retiring, I discovered this blog and was immediately captivated. The author, Gail Burton Purath, has a talent for being brief and to the point while still imparting deep truths about God and scripture. I've continued to read her blog over years, often finding passages that spoke to my sould and answered my questions.  

Gail Burton Purath: who is a former missionary with a Master's degree in Discipleship and Evangelism from Columbia Biblical Seminary. Since 2011, she's been posting five Bible Love Notes each week, and periodically she posts a Bible study on her sister site: Bite Size Bible Study. It's a short study "so you don't bite off more than you can chew."  Her first book was published in 2023. It's called Wisdom for Life and it features one-minute devotions from Psalms and Proverbs.

Blog: Bite Size Bible Study: https://bitesizebiblestudy.blogspot.com/

Blog: Bible Love Notes: https://biblelovenotes.blogspot.com/ 

Book: Wisdom for Life: https://www.bhpublishinggroup.com/wisdom-for-life-devotional/ 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

New Study on Luke Beginning September 12

As a non-jew and outsider, we should not be surprised that Luke writes to highlight those seen as outliers and outcasts, those deemed misfits and unfit. Tim and time again, Luke takes conventional thinking and just flips it on its head. He takes the least of these, the unlovely, the impoverished, the invisible, and he brings all of them to Jesus, who embraces them with a deep, visceral, active compassion that changes their lives forever.

If you have ever struggled with feeling like you aren't quite good enough or maybe you don't fit in, then this beautiful book is for you! You're invited to run into the arms of Jesus and experience the fullness of his gut-level compassion unlike any other love you will ever know.

Each study guide comes with individual streaming video access (instructions found on the inside front cover). Each member of our group will have full access to watch videos from their chosen device at any time - for missed group meetings for rewatching, or for sharing teaching with others.


  • Do I have to subscribe to StudyGateway? NO, if you sign up for StudyGateway for the first them using studygateway.com/redeem, you will not be prompted to subscribe, then, or after.

  • Do I set up another account if I do another study later? NO. The next time you do a HarperChristian Resources study with FREE streaming access, all you need to do is enter the new access code and the videos will be added to your account library.

There is a short video available, walking you through how to access your streaming videos. You can choose to show the video at your first meeting or simply direct your group to the HarperChristian Resources YouTube channel to watch it at their convenience.