Our spring study, The Truth Project will begin on March 13. The Author, Dr. Del Tackett, has some interesting articles on his blog. https://www.deltackett.com/blog
The Truth Project is designed to help participants learn to integrate the biblical message with the big questions of life. To develop a biblical worldview and how to apply it to every aspect of life, instead of bringing a secular worldview to bear on the issues of the day.
Biblical foundations are laid for the various important spheres of life: law, politics, economics, history, science, the arts, sociology, education, and the media. All of these crucial areas are examined in terms of the biblical worldview, and participants are taught how to apply biblical principles to all these key fields.
Participants will learn how to organize and evaluate various opposing ideas that all claim to be the truth. But our ultimate goal is not simply to gain knowledge It is to "look upon the face of God" - and be transformed in the process.