
Monday, February 5, 2024

Galatians 4

 A word appears in verse 6 that will be familiar to anyone with a Christian background—Abba. The term is an Aramaic word meaning “father,” which is followed by Paul’s use of the Greek term for father, pater. Many have added a sentimental value to Abba by explaining its meaning as that of “papa” or “daddy,” but that simply does not reflect accurately the meaning of the term. Throughout history, it has been found in legal documents and was used by adult children in the process of claiming an inheritance from their departed father. It reflects less the idea of an infant cuddling with a daddy as it does a child secure in his or her intimacy with a father. Through faith in Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit, we can walk in confidence knowing that the eternal God of the universe is our faithful Father to whom we can cry out because He hears us. In other words, Abba describes the welcome access we have been given into the heart of God. 


Pray: Praise God each day this week for bringing you into His family. Ask Him to grow your understanding of your identity as His child. 

Confess: Confess your sins to God this week. Consider telling a trusted Christian friend about your sin struggles as well. Pray for practical ways to repent and the strength to see it through. 

Let Go: Pick one “god” in your life that you need to let go (money, a relationship, food, media, appearance, etc.). Choose one practical step of repentance and try it this week. 

Reflect: Think back over all God’s taught you through this series so far. Write down the areas of your life where you aren’t walking in the freedom of the gospel. Pray that God would continue to work in your heart through the rest of the study. 

Encourage: Talk to a friend or family member who knows someone who has wandered from the faith. Use what was discussed in this session to encourage that person and spend time praying for the lost friend.

Beautiful hymn Debbie shared with me.