
Friday, September 2, 2022

New Study Fall 2022


Contagious Faith by Mark Mittelberg

As disciples of Christ, we are called to share the gospel, but few of us are naturally comfortable with evangelism. We wrestle with internal fears, a lack of preparation, and the sense that reaching out to others might force us to act like someone we're not. What if we could find a way to talk about Jesus that fits our personalities, makes us feel confident, and ignites a fire in others? You were created for more than just loving your family, building your career, or attending weekly church services. You were made to share God's love with others in ways that can impact their lives and redirect their eternities. Mark Mittelberg explains in a down-to-earth fashion several key skills that will help you communicate your faith in infectious ways, illustrating his message with real-life accounts of ordinary believers who applied these principles for extraordinary impact. The five Contagious Faith Styles--Friendship-Building, Selfless-Serving, Story-Sharing, Reason-Giving, and Truth-Telling, help you discover which of these approaches (or combination of them) will enable you to naturally share your faith in Jesus with the people around you.

Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, a thinker or a feeler, this book will give you practical ways of sharing your faith that reflect how God has made you to help build his kingdom.

This study will begin on September 29, 2022 9:30-11:00