The Truth Project series relies heavily on Scriture as the divine and authoritative Word of God.
According to the Barna Research Group, only 9 percent of born-again believers hold a biblical worldview. In essence, the church as a whole does not velieve what it says it believes. Therefore, divorce rates mirror our culture, sexual addiction is on the rise in the church and a large portion of church-goers live a life devoid of purpose. We believe this curriculum , through God's transformational power, can assist in reintroducing the Body of Christ to a life lived with meaning, purpose and value which ultimately makes a difference in our modern world.
What this is about is the opportunity to be a part of what God is doin the lives of His people worldwide, leaving room for the Holy Spirit to work through this curriculum and begin to transform the minds and hearts of each person who participates in your small group.
This series is designed to take a participants on a guided worldview tour, following the points of the worldview compass, a tool designed to direct our thinking with regard to four fundamental issues: Truth, God, Man, and the Social Order.
Veritology: What is Truth?
The cosmic battle, Why was Jesus Born?
Truth as ultimate reality.
Gazing on the face of God.
Key Terms
Antithesis: The complete or exact opposite of something. The truth claims of God in direct opposition to the lies of the world, the flesh and the devil.
Bifurcation:To divide or separate into two parts, to split or branch off into two parts.
Common Insanity: A sickness we all suffer from. We have bought into the lies of the world, the flesh, and the devil and therefore we live as if the lie is true, denying reality.
Compass Illustration: looking at life from a 360 degree perspective. A graphic means to illustrate that there is no area in life that God has not spoken.
Idol: a false source of salvation, sustenance, or power. Isaiah 44 equates an idol to a lie. These lies lead us into insane notions.
Jewels of the Cave: Specific topics or truth claims that are of particular interest.
Insanity: Losing touch with reality: believing the lie is real. Extreme foolishness or an act that demonstrates it.
Pathology: Any condition that is a departure or deviation from the true design. Dr. Tackett uses "pathology" to describe areas of distortion within the social spheres.
Pernicious Lie: The lie that man is basically good and that his greatest need is to self-actualize and get in tough with his inner desires.
Spheres: Social institutions or systems that we live and interact in (family, church, state, labor, community, and the intimate relationship between God and man). Each sphere has distinct organization.
Worldview: The overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world. How Christians understand and apply the biblical revelation to the big questions of life.